Wellbeing / KUbeGOOD
Mindfulness Seminars

  • Introduction to Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness, Stress and Body
  • Mindfulness, Thoughts and Feelings


Physical Activities

  • Learn to Manage Daily Stress with Taebo
  • Open access pilates course in the comfort of your home with Ayten Altun!
  • Open access yoga course in the comfort of your home!


Announcements and Infographics

  • Influenza and Flu Vaccination
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Managing the Fear Associated with the Coronavirus


Healthcare Exercises

  • Eye examinations in relation to the ergonomics initiative

Office Massage

You are Invited to a Seminar about the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program

Emotional Awareness Seminar


Healthy Nutrition Counseling