After evaluating the incoming applications, we conduct competency-based interviews with our eligible candidates.
We apply the assessment and evaluation tools according to the position requirements to the candidates who pass the second stage.
With the assessment and evaluation tools, we ensure that our candidates are evaluated in positions appropriate to their professional competencies.
In the final stage of our recruitment process, we make our offer to candidate whose competence is suitable for the position.
We include the candidate who accepted our offer in our orientation process where the institution and its facilities are introduced.
In order to facilitate the adaptation process of our starting candidate, we assign buddy.
Since the first contact during the recruitment process, we do not cut our communication with our employees. We have the opportunity to listen to the experiences of our employees in the department and the campus and learn their suggestions through our coffee conversations conducted by HR Partner.
In line with its mission to support the development of our employees, we offer a lot of opportunities, including in-unit, inter-unit, and Koç-related trainings for rotation and professional development.